"..art flowing from contemplation does not so much attempt to copy reality as rather to capture the archetypes of all that is. Such art does not want to depict what everybody already sees but to make visible what not everybody sees.."
Josef Pieper, Only the Lover Sings
Jesus, Joseph, & Mary
Merciful Love
Holy Name

Morning Star

Our Lady, Queen of Peace (after Guido Galli's 1918 statue, "Queen of Peace")
Baby Jesus
Joseph & Jesus (11.75x11.75, acrylic on wood, original available)
Saint Joseph
Be It Done | Mary at the Annunciation (11x14, acrylic on canvas panel, original available)
Divine Delight
Divine King of the Jews
Losing a Child (12x12, acrylic on canvas, original available)
King of the Jews

Mother of Sorrows
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
The Darkest Valley (acrylic on wood, original available)
With You Always
Sleeping Saint Joseph
male saints
Verso L'Alto, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati | patron of young adults & mountaineers
Saint JPII | patron of young Catholic families
Saints Priscilla and Aquila | patrons of love & marriage
Saint Isaac Jogues, SJ | patron of North America
Bearing the Weight | Saint Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus Carry His Cross
Cure d'Ars | Saint John Vianney | patron of parish priests
Saint Luke | patron of physicians and artists
Saint Francis Xavier, SJ | patron of missionaries
Saint Anthony of Padua | patron of lost things, barrenness, and faith in the Blessed Sacrament (acrylic on wood, original available)
female saints
Saints Priscilla and Aquila | patrons of love & marriage
Saint Bernadette | patroness of bodily illnesses and people ridiculed for their faith (acrylic on wood, original available)
Saint Rose of Lima | patroness of gardeners and against vanity (acrylic on wood, original available)
The Little Flower | Saint Thérèse of Lisieux | patroness of missionaries
Saint Teresa of Ávila | patroness of sick people and people in religious orders
Saint Clare | patroness of laundry and television
The Made of Orleans | Joan of Arc | patroness of soldiers
Saint Maria Goretti | patroness of rape and crime victims
Santa Lucia | patroness of the blind
Saint Teresa of Calcutta | patroness of World Youth Day
Saint Agatha | patroness of rape victims and breast cancer patients (11x14, acrylic on canvas, original available)
Saint Mother | Saint Monica | mother of Saint Augustine and patroness of alcoholics
Saint Agnes | patroness of chastity and gardeners (11x14, acrylic on canvas, original available)